The India Quiz - My India, My Pride
Important Notifications & Guidelines

Dear Student,
Please find below the important updates and information, related to The India Quiz - My India, My Pride.
Request to save this link for your reference. You can refer this page for latest information, frequently asked questions , sample questions, etc here.
Update on Hard Copy Certificates, Medals & Surprise Gifts
Dear Participants,
We know, you have been waiting to receive your Hard Copy certificates, medals and surprise gifts . There has been a delay due to logisctics and subsequently long festival holidays.
We appreciate your patience.
Heres the good news. All the despatches have been handed over to logistics and you should expect the delivery at your school address by next week.
We look forward to seeing you again in the 3rd edition of The India Quiz - My India, My Pride scheduled in next academic year 2025.
All The Best
Dear Participants,
Results of The India Quiz - My India, My Pride, Finale Round, will be announced on 09th Sep, by 09 :00 PM
You will receive your result e-Certificate, in your email, from CERTIFIER.
Don't Forget to check your email, inbox and also check the spam or promotion inbox.
Winners, First Runners Up, Second Runners Up and Top 50 categories, and Participation per grade, Nationally, will be announced and declared in your e-Certificate.
Hard Copy Certificate, Medals and surprise gifts are for Winners, First Runners up, Second Runners Up and Top 50, in Finale. These will be delivered to your school, by mid Oct.
All other students who appeared in Finale, will be receiving the e-Participation Appreciation Certificate.
Parent Appreciation Certificate in grades 3rd to 5th category will be released by end Sep.
Certain cases have come to our notice, where misconduct, wrong practices have been identified. In the benefit of doubt, these cases are on HOLD and will be discussed with school authorities and parents, before releasing the result.
For queries, write to us at query@theindiaquiz.com
Finale Round
Dear Participants,
All the participants, who have secured 50% and above in Round 1, are qualified for Round 2. Your certificate was sent on your registered email id from CERTIFIER.
Finale Round
Attempt 50 MCQs in 40 Minute quiz, anytime, during, any one of the above dates.
Test Link : https://assessment.eklavvya.com/?IID=99134
Username : Same as Round 1
Password : Quiz@987432#
Quiz open time : 30th Aug at 10:00 AM
Quiz close time 03rd Sep at 11:00 PM
( Quiz closure date is extended for Two Days)
For queries, please reach out to us at query@theindiaquiz.com
With Regards,
Team The India Quiz – My India, My Pride
(An initiative of Twinning Owl)
Dear Participants
Result of Prelim Round are released as of 16th Aug.
Your certificate has been sent to you over your email from CERTIFIER.
Students who have qualified for Round 2 - Finale, have received the "Qualifier Certificate"
Students below 50% score have received "Participation Certificate"
School based results for Prelim Round, will be announced with Finale Results.
Medals and Hard Copy certificates will be issued, post Finale Results
Parent Appreciation Certificate for children in grades 3rd to 5th is scheduled. You will be receiving a verification email to confirm your Name, as you would like on the appreciation certificate.
Dear Participants,
Happy to inform you that you can complete your quiz by 13th Aug - 11:00 PM
Your quiz link, username and password has been sent on your registered email from Twinning Owl. Please check your inbox and spam folders both.
Your username : Check your email. username starts with TIQ
Your password : Quiz@987432#
Quiz link remains open till 11 Aug , night 11:00 PM.
Do Not Switch your screens while taking quiz. Any interruptions like incoming calls, notifications included. After 04 such interruptions, quiz link will get terminated automatically
Your result will be calculated basis your score and time taken to complete the quiz.
Results of Round 1- are being announced by evening of16th Aug
If you have registered but do not know your username, please reach out to us
email us : query@theindiaquiz.com with your name, grade, school name and registered email id
or whatsaap or call us at : 9818322204 / 7428200332
Important FAQs
When will I receive my Quiz Link, User Id and Password?
Registered participants will receive your quiz link, user id and password by evening 08th Aug, on your registered email id.
You will also receive an SMS with your quiz link, user id and password. This SMS will come from EKLAVYA
What are the dates of The India Quiz - My India, My Pride
Prelim Round - Quiz will open at 09:00 AM on 09th Aug till 09:00 PM 11th Aug
Finale Round - Quiz will open at 09:00 AM on 30th Aug till 09:00 PM 01st Sep
Can I take the quiz anytime ?
You can attempt the quiz in one sitting, anytime on the given date
What is the duration of quiz?
Quiz is of 40 minute duration
How many questions will be asked?
30 to 50 MCQs, on general knowledge and current affairs of India.
What is the marking criteria?
There is No Negative marking. We will select Top 50%, per grade Nationally, basis your score and duration to complete.
How do I prepare?
Quiz is focused on general knowledge and current affairs of India.
It is designed in reference to CBSE, Cambridge, IB, ICSE, AISSCE, State Board books, reference books, general knowledge books.
Grade 3rd to 5th
General knowledge and current affairs, history, geography, famous personalities, art, literature, innovation, culture, UNESCO & RAMSAR sites, etc
Grade 6th to 9th
Explore Indian history, cities, kings & dynasties, culture, art, literature, personalities, etc of ancient and medieval India
Grade 10th to 12th
General knowledge and current affairs and Indian history
Can I take the quiz from mobile phone ?
Quiz is ONLINE. it can be attempted from Mobile, Laptop, Desktop, Tab.
Is there any disqualification criteria?
Yes, below are the criteria, which can lead to disqualification
1. While attempting quiz, If you switch from your quiz screen to other screens.
2. If quiz is attempted from Mobile phone, then incoming calls, message notifications can also disrupt the quiz, leading to disqualification
3. Quiz is monitored and any observation of multiple accounts for same participant will disqualify the participant.
4. In case of any misbehavior, wrong conduct or bullying and not adhering to the spirit of quiz competition.
5. Any attempt to mislead, or using wrongful means.
All such cases will be duely reported to school authorities also and Twinning Owl reserves the right to disqualify the participant.
How will I know about the dates, link, or any information related to The India Quiz - My India, My Pride
All information will be sent over your registered email id.
We are using the email id, that was mentioned during the payment completion.
It is assumed that you have entered the right email id and that you check your email id, time to time.
Can I use same email for my siblings?
No, it has to be ONE email id, per participant.
In case of any query or help, what should I do?
You can write an email to query@theindiaquiz.com, with your name, email id, mobile number, grade and school name.
About The India Quiz – My India, My Pride (Edition 2.0)
Eligibility : Grades 3rd to 12th , ( One parent is allowed in grades 3rd to 5th category)
Mode : Online, using laptop, desktop, mobile or tab
Format : 30 to 50 Multiple Choice Questions
Duration : 40 Minutes Duration
Evaluation : No Negative Markings, Evaluation will be on Score and Time Taken To Complete The Quiz
Registration Fee : Rs.99 (Inclusive of taxes)
Last Date For Individual Registration : 31st Jul 2024

Prelim Round - School Level Appreciation
All Participants will get an e-appreciation Certificate
Parent Appreciation Certificate
(Grades 3rd to 5th Category)
For Schools with > 50 Participants
Topper Medal & Certificate to Top 03 per class for classes with > 15 participants
Topper Medal & Certificate to Top 01 per class for classes with 10 to 14 participants

Finale Round National Level Appreciation
20 Winners – (02 Per Grade, Nationally) - Certificates of Exceptional Wisdom & Medals & surprise gifts.
40 First Runners-Up – (04 Per Grade, Nationally) - Certificates of Outstanding Wisdom & Medals & surprise gifts.
50 Second Runners-Up – (05 Per Grade, Nationally) - Certificates of Excellent Wisdom and Medals & surprise gifts.
Top 50 Certificates of Appreciation and Medals.
All Participants will get an e-appreciation Certificate

Twinning Owl Learning Platform Pvt Ltd
W : twinningowl.com
E : theindiaquiz@twinningowl.com
M : 9818322204
The program, program content, curriculum, images, calendar, qualification result, and all aspects of the India Quiz are owned and governed by the terms and conditions of Twinning Owl. Twinning Owl is an authorized School Service Partner and works with reputed companies in India and provides access and services to schools, students to brand programs. Unauthorized usage of content, images, logos, etc, and circulating over social, print or any media is prohibited without authorization. Any unauthorized usage can attract strict actions.